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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 29 Oct 2009 - 17:07

Que bueno!
Ya quier
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Nov 2009 - 20:35

Todas quieren vestirse de Victoria Beckham

Cuando anunció que pretendía crear una línea propia de moda fueron pocos los que confiaron en ella. Después de su primera colección, sus pantalones vaqueros se ganaron el reconocimiento de aquellas mujeres que podían pagar 400 euros para llevárselos a casa. Ahora son las «celebrities» las que parecen encumbrar a Victoria Beckham en esta aventura empresarial. Así, el pasado martes Drew Barrymore se presentó en la premiere de la película «Everybody's Fine» en Los Ángeles con el diseño Giral, perteneciente a la actual colección de otoño-invierno de «Posh», que acompañó de zapatos de Casadei y joyas de Neil Lane. Se trata de un vestido «strapless» de corte imperio en seda color violeta que lleva el sello de la esposa de Beckham, esto es, un cierre visible que corre de la espalda a las piernas, y que ya usó Victoria este verano cuando ejerció de jurado en el programa «American Idol». También se han dejado seducir por este modelo que cuesta unos 2.200 euros Kate Beckinsale y la cantante galesa Katherine Jenkins, que el pasado septiembre usó este palabra de honor en los premios de la revista «GQ» en Londres. Así pues, a las «celebrities» parece no importarles repetir color y vestido. Aun así, parece ser que debido al éxito de esta pieza la ex Spice está planteándose elaborar algunas unidades en color negro, además de dar salida la próxima temporada a su primera línea de zapatos y bolsos, cansada de promocionar los complementos de otros diseñadores. Quizá el secreto del éxito de Victoria sea ese empeño por dibujar líneas y cortes que estilicen al máximo la figura femenina. Esta idea parecen haberla captado Heidi Klum y Elle Mcpherson, clientas de la Beckham desde sus inicios y que no sólo utilizan sus diseños sobre la alfombra roja, sino también los vestidos cóctel y los «look» más casual es de la Beckham.
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 7 Nov 2009 - 22:04

wooow dentro de unos meses solo usaran Victoria Beckham las famosas Very Happy
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 5 Dec 2009 - 20:34

Roban una colección de vestidos diseñados por Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham, esposa del futbolista internacional inglés David Beckham, se ha llevado un disgusto después de que unos ladrones robaran una colección de vestidos diseñados por ella que se iban a vender en Nueva York.

Según ha informado una portavoz de la ex cantante de la banda 'Spice Girls', Vitoria se siente 'conmocionada y disgustada' por el suceso, que ocurrió el pasado jueves en Londres y está siendo investigado por la Policía.

Los delincuentes asaltaron la furgoneta que transportaba la ropa al aeropuerto londinense de Heathrow, aprovechando una parada del conductor para hacer un reparto.

El conductor resultó agredido por los ladrones, que, al parecer, podrían haber seguido el vehículo como parte de un robo planeado con anterioridad.

Los vestidos, de la colección primavera-verano, iban a ser enviados en avión para su venta en la cadena de tiendas Neiman Marcus en Nueva York.

Victoria, que ha cambiado el mundo de la música por el de la moda, espera ahora que las prendas puedan fabricarse de nuevo para llegar a tiempo a los establecimientos neoyorquinos.

Los delincuentes asaltaron la furgoneta que transportaba la ropa al aeropuerto londinense de Heathrow, aprovechando una parada del conductor para hacer un reparto.
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 5 Dec 2009 - 22:26

Que mala suerte
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 8 Dec 2009 - 17:11

Mañana miercoles saldra a la venta en su coleccion de gafas y denim
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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu 10 Dec 2009 - 4:43

Victoria afirma que planea seguir en la industria de la moda por lo menos otros 25 o 30 años. Lo dijo en Women's Wear Daily. 'Planeo
seguir estando aquí dentro de 25 o 30 años. Se trata de hacer las cosas
gradualmente y contruir la marca en una manera estratégica... Después
de tres colecciones exitosas - aunque me queda mucho mucho camino por
recorrer y mucho trabajo por hacer - la gente dice '¿Quién es mi
competencia?' Yo soy mi competencia. Quiero que me vaya aún mejor en la
próxima temporada.”
Beckham says she was bullied as a child and that only gives her more
drive to succeed. She plans on making her mark on the fashion industry
for at least 25 to 30 years.

celebrity designers find their name leads to short-term success.
Beckham intends to create her success through hard work, creativity and
a good product.

Women’s Wear Daily, Beckham says, “I plan on still being here in 25 to
30 years’ time. It’s about doing things gradually and building the
brand in a strategic way…After three successful collections — though
I’ve got a long, long way to go and a lot of work to do, and I will
always feel that I have to prove myself, always — people say, ‘Who is
my competition?’ I’m my competition. I want to do better next season
than I did this season.”

denim and eyewear collections were over-hauled and make their debut on on Wednesday. The dVb label has pretty much dissolved
and Beckham moved everything under the Victoria Beckham label.

Wear Daily reports that the Victoria Beckham dress, denim and
sunglasses business will bring in $7.5 million in sales in 2010,
according to estimates by industry analysts.

Written by Sharalyn Hartwell
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 11 Dec 2009 - 12:05

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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 20 Dec 2009 - 7:20
Premio a la Diseñadora Celeb del año!!

News (articulos) - Page 2 Glambe21
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Cantidad de envíos : 336
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Localización : argentina, cordoba capital
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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-03-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 21 Dec 2009 - 19:34

felicitaciones a Victoriaa!!!!!
seguro ha de estar que salta de felicidad!
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jan 2010 - 23:34

NYFW Backstage Beauty Alert: Lancôme Backs Becks

Last September, Victoria Beckham swapped private appointments at the Waldorf towers for informal presentations at a West Side gallery. Is a full-scale runway show in the cards for next month? Some new information has us thinking…maybe. has just learned that Lancôme has signed on as sponsor of Beckham’s February presentation, with the makeup artist Francelle keying the show. The French beauty giant is typically pretty selective; last season, celebrity face painter Daniel Martin debuted the latest installment of the brand’s popular Pout-a-Porter designer lipstick series at Chris Benz, and Lancôme artistic director for makeup Aaron De Mey played with pink at L’Wren Scott. The brand’s presence doesn’t necessarily mean Beckham’s graduating to the big time, but it certainly ups the likelihood. Stay tuned for details via DenDen

woooow que bien eso quizas signifique una pasarela para TODOS?woooooooooow
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 16 Jan 2010 - 1:07

Que dice??
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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 16 Jan 2010 - 1:40

que Lancome firmó para ser el sponsor del show de Victoria en Febrero.
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 16 Jan 2010 - 2:01

que requetebienn!!!!
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Posh Becks

Posh Becks

Cantidad de envíos : 1620
Edad : 32
Localización : Sevilla,España
Karma : 46
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-12-29

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat 16 Jan 2010 - 4:16

esto va mejorando!!
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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 2 Mar 2010 - 17:30

Cómo sobreviven a la Fashion Week los diseñadores? Victoria Beckham respondió ''Tomo tanto expreso! es una locura.''
How do designers survive the Fashion Week?
Victoria Beckham:
“I drink so much espresso — it’s crazy.”
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 2 Mar 2010 - 17:38

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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Mar 2010 - 22:52

News (articulos) - Page 2 Netapo10
Aquellos que esten subscriptos en para recibir e-mails con información sobre las últimas colecciones y todo lo relacionado con el mundo de la moda, hoy pueden ver en sus casillas de correo uno de los vestidos de Victoria Beckham como sugerencia para asistir a los Oscars.
¡¡Bien por nuestra Victoria!!
Those who are subscribed to receive info about fashion to their e-mails from, can see in their inbox today one of Victoria Beckham collection dresses as a suggestion to attend the Oscar. Well done, Victoria!!
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Mar 2010 - 23:16

Que bueno!!!!!!!! Very Happy
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Posh Becks

Posh Becks

Cantidad de envíos : 1620
Edad : 32
Localización : Sevilla,España
Karma : 46
Fecha de inscripción : 2009-12-29

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Mar 2010 - 23:19

News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_cheers News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_cheers News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_cheers oeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun 7 Mar 2010 - 23:42

Lo iva a surbir ahora! pero se me adelantaste
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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 8 Mar 2010 - 0:44

jajaajaj a mi tb justo lo vi ahora xd
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Midnight Miss Suki
Midnight Miss Suki

Cantidad de envíos : 10308
Edad : 42
Localización : Argentina
Karma : 506
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Mar 2010 - 5:22

David may be crocked but Mrs B is dressing Madonna and conquering the fashion pack. This, she says, is her job for life

News (articulos) - Page 2 T2_beckham_185x360_697904a

It may be indelicate. But if you’d choose to describe Victoria Beckham as a “hot mom”, then fair enough. However there are better times (and better places) to do this than to her face at 11am on Valentine’s Day in the £19 million townhouse on East 63rd Street where she is showcasing her latest ready-to-wear collection.

Sadly, nobody pointed this out to the campish American fashion hack who did precisely that (in unprintable terms). As Mrs B cried “No!” in a vain attempt to forestall him, he inquired whether she ever worried that one day Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz might discover that their friends had more than cookies on their minds when they came to hang chez Beckham.

In unison, the clutch of top-tier editors — from publications including American Vogue, Vanity Fair and Le Figaro — laughed two octaves higher than is entirely comfortable. Then Beckham neatly defused the situation with an elegant response, and bid everyone — but The Times’s Lisa Armstrong and me — adieu. As they oozed off towards the marbled doorway, she turned to us, held up her hands and said: “Look, my palms are sweating!”

As well they might have been. Because for this, her fourth collection, the eponymous figurehead of the newly christened Victoria Beckham label faced the fashion pack head on — and, for the first time, she won them over completely. From the New York Post to Women’s Wear Daily via, every review has been a rave or near-rave. And this has been a genuine critical response, unsullied by over-zealous PR or indirect kickbacks: as Beckham is not yet a significant advertiser, none of the reviewers had any reason to be anything but honest.

Beckham, it is belatedly being realised, might yet — in her own way — become just as notable a young female British designer as the vaunted trinity of Hannah MacGibbon, Stella McCartney and Phoebe Philo. But because fashion is intrinsically snobby — although most fashion people would call this “discerning” — Posh (as she was never sincerely called), has been a difficult sell for many. Only a few years ago British High Street PRs sniffed that they dreaded seeing Posh wearing their clothes.

Now, though, she has broken them down; primarily through the quality of the clothes, but also via disarming touches such as admitting her relative ignorance. Take this cheery New York confession: “Look, it’s a very basic way that I am doing this. You can see that from the gold dress. The drape has literally been draped on me. We tied it in a knot. And I thought ‘that looks really cool — I like that’. Technically it’s probably not the right way to do things. But there’s a really fun, playful atmosphere in the studio.”

Later, she adds: “I have had to prove myself. But that’s a good thing: everybody has to prove themselves, not just me . . . I want to grow as a designer, I want to learn the techniques and do more and more.”

Part of this self-imposed initiation is Beckham’s decision not to show the collection as a traditional show. Instead Beckham semi-masochistically subjects herself to intimate presentations at which she commentates on each of the 25 or so dresses.

This year, she tells us in a nervily stiff voice, she has taken “a more sophisticated and daring approach to our evening wear”. Which translates into a series of 1930s and 1940s siren-wear-inspired dresses for the modern knock-out. All heavily corseted, in raglan, silk, crepe or wool, they have a confident simplicity zinged up by soft-touch details including neck folds, gold zips, narrow little belts and a Dick Tracy inspired print on her beloved Cloud Dress. Most of the collection comes in either black or fleshy silk, but the odd flash of colour — in sapphire, emerald or ruby — is eye-catching without being brash.

Yes, Victoria Beckham is a (crocked) footballer’s wife, but nobody — even the snobbiest of those snobs — can call this stuff vulgar. The most important critics of all — the consumers — have already worked this out. From Corso Como, to Net-a-Porter, to Selfridges and Bergdorf Goodman, the international outlets that stock Beckham’s dresses all report a near-to-100 per cent sell through.

Next season’s collection has already been swooped on by Beckham’s new celebrity clientele: in the past couple of weeks Cameron Diaz wore the one-shouldered gold jacquard dress to the Vanity Fair Oscars party, Demi Moore opted for the sapphire silk column dress, and last week at a White House do Sarah Jessica Parker went for a Victoria Beckham number in cerise. This is an extremely good hit rate. Or, as Beckham says: “The support has been fantastic. And it’s been great that it’s been on lots of different body shapes as well. There have been tiny people wearing the dresses, such as Madonna, and then Jennifer Hudson wore one at the Golden Globes. The way the dresses have been constructed means that they are really flattering.” Flattering to Hudson, and certainly to the super-skinny models at her presentation.

Madonna is the only person to whom Beckham has sent an unsolicited freebie. It was a black-bodiced, ivory-skirted version of a corset dress that she spotted Madonna wearing for an American fashion shoot. And considering the competition it must have faced, that Beckham freebie got an impressive airing: Madonna wore it for her birthday supper last August at the Hotel Splendido in Portofino.

All the Victoria Beckham collection is made in London. And Beckham insists that she now sees design as her full-time, long-term job. “And,” she adds, “I think my middle son thinks that he is going to take over. Romeo likes to get involved.” He certainly has a good name for fashion design. Yet despite her commitment to the company’s London HQ, Beckham says that her family has no plans to leave Los Angeles. “The kids are settled in school, and very happy. And we have a lovely team of people. I travel a lot — Milan, London — and the kids enjoy it, soaking up the culture.”

Creating a red-letter collection of red-carpet dresses is labour intensive. One dress in particular, that Cloud, took up days of Beckham’s time as she and her team strove to get it just so (“it was crazy the amount of hours, days and days, but I was adamant”). And, as Beckham so disarmingly concedes, she is learning on the job: “That’s how it works. I make it on me, to very much what I like.”

This is decadent, yet Beckham says that her fashion business is in profit. “We’ve relaunched the denim and the sunglasses. And we’ve got a fragrance that’s been hugely successful too. So it funds itself.”

As she speaks, her salespeople are with buyers, on another floor of the New York house, showcasing the Cutler & Gross sunglass collaboration and the denim line. The house, by the way, was used as Carrie Bradshaw’s dream penthouse in the Sex and the City film, and Beckham briefly fantasises about buying it — perhaps, one day, to be a New York flagship for her brand. “This feels like the first season where this could be the house of Victoria Beckham, if you like. The first time I went into a Tom Ford store, years ago, I was so impressed. I loved the feeling of it being Tom Ford’s house.”

Even facing the fashion critics close-up, Beckham is confident enough to team her simple-but-sexy new-season dress with unextended hair and straight-up make-up. “Things have changed,” she says, before unveiling dark news for St Tropez, “I’ve downgraded the fake tan and the big hair. I just wanted a more natural look — a much more natural look. And I’m not going back, either.”

Two fashion weeks later, at Roland Mouret’s RM show in Paris, I met the man who has backed both Beckham and Mouret: Simon Fuller. This new-generation fashion mogul (he now owns Storm model agency, the Fashionair website, as well as holding interests in both labels) said: “I have the utmost respect for the individuals. With Roland and Victoria I will not second guess them.” Later he added: “I believe in Victoria, because it is her passion.”

And you can tell. Because why else would Victoria Beckham feel the need to talk us through each dress, or point out again and again that she’s only new to the fashion game, or put up with a bunch of facile questions from a bunch of fashion journalists? It’s not as if she could do with the cash.

Apropos facile questions, when that guy came up with his “do you worry your sons’ friends will think you’re a hot mom” question, Beckham’s response was impeccable. She said: “As long as it’s not their girlfriends wanting to get their hands on my handbags, I don’t really care!” Then she added: “I wouldn’t really say that I’m a sexy mum. I’d say I’m a full-on mum. It’s a balancing act, as any working mum out there knows.”

As we tootle off to the next show, Victoria Beckham waves her now-unsweaty palms around her showroom and says: “This is very much me. I feel more confident in myself because I feel fulfilled, creatively and professionally. I’ve still got a long way to go, but I feel very happy. I’m in a good place in my life. And I don’t feel I have to prove myself as much as I used to have to.”

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Gonza Frezza

Gonza Frezza

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Fecha de inscripción : 2009-12-28

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Mar 2010 - 7:25

mmm y en castellano q dice? jjaja
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Cantidad de envíos : 7818
Edad : 31
Localización : Gironella
Karma : 497
Fecha de inscripción : 2008-07-27

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PostSubject: Re: News (articulos)   News (articulos) - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue 23 Mar 2010 - 1:09

esoo esoo!
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